About Cookies

Our Cookie Policy

The The House of Gifts website uses a feature of your internet browser called cookies. Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information which are downloaded to your device when you visit a website. Cookies are used by many websites and are useful because they allow a website to recognise your device and do lots of different jobs, such as storing the contents of your shopping basket as you move through the site, enabling you to log-in, letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences and generally improve the online user experience.

Cookies do not retrieve information about you from your computer; they only gain information that you willingly provide to us.

Your Privacy

We value our customers and understand how important it is to treat the data we capture correctly. We consider this information a vital part of our business, so we can bring you great quality and service at fair prices. We do not, nor will we ever sell, rent or loan any data to 3rd parties that identifies you without your explicit consent. For further details on how we use your data please see our Privacy policy.

Your Acknowledgement

We hope that after you have read our policy you will have sufficient details about the cookies used on the The Little House of Gifts website to be reassured that we use them responsibly.

By navigating around the The Little House of Gifts website we will assume you are happy with cookies being set by us to improve your experience.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a very small piece of information in the form of a text file placed on your computer hard drive by lots of the websites that you visit. Cookies allow us to help you get the best out of your visit to the website and improve your user experience, for instance by remembering that you have visited before. They can also be used to make sure that any advertising you see is relevant to you.

For further information about cookies please visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org

In this policy we have used the following categories of cookies:

Strictly Necessary cookies

Performance cookies

Functionality cookies

Targeting cookies

This categorisation has been defined by The International Chamber Of Commerce (UK).

How does The Little House of Gifts use cookies?

Our cookies are used to store basic information, like your user identification. They do not store password or credit card information.

Strictly Necessary cookies

Cookies are set to help support the structure of the pages that are displayed to you. These help the website to remember the products you have added to your shopping basket, your progress through checkout and whether or not you are logged in. Strictly necessary cookies which are stored on your hard disk for future reference and remain there until you choose to delete them.

Performance Cookies

These cookies collect anonymous aggregated information on the pages visited, by, for example, Google Analytics whom we use to carry out analytical functions on our site. They are only used to improve how the website works.

You can view Google Analytics' privacy policy here:


Functionality cookies

We use cookies to make accessing the website more convenient, so you don't need to remember your username / email address. This information will allow us to welcome you by name, and over time to personalise our website content to reflect your preferences. They also remember choices you make to improve your experience, such as recently viewed and continue shopping. For security reasons, you will still need to enter your password. Functionality cookies remain on your hard drive for a maximum of one month.

Targeting cookies i.e. Third Party Cookies and Cookies used for Advertising

House of Lamps may set cookies on your computer and allow carefully selected third parties to do the same while you are browsing our site. These will collect information about your browsing habits and allow us to show you adverts while you are browsing our site and other sites on the internet. The expiration of these cookies varies but is typically 30 days.

Cookies are used to help us understand the performance of our marketing activity and improve the relevance of the adverts that you see. We may use these cookies to display products and services that we think will interest you, both on our website and on other websites across the internet. Should you wish to disable your cookies from your web browser please see 'Cookie Maintenance' below. Blocking these third party cookies should not have any effect on the functionality of our website other than to reduce the relevance of any targeted adverts that you may see.

Cookie Maintenance

You can set your browser to accept or reject all specific cookies. You can also set your browser to alert you each time a cookie is presented to your computer. You can delete cookies that have been stored on your computer but remember, if you prevent us from placing cookies on your computer during your visit, it will not be possible for you to use our website effectively. By disabling your cookies from the browser settings, you will be restricting the cookies that House of Lamps uses to manage its website and this will have an impact on how the website will function. This will apply to all websites once cookies are disabled via your browser settings and not only the little house of gifts website.


If you would like to restrict or block cookies that are set by us and other websites, you can do this through your web browser settings. Instructions for how to do this for popular web browsers on Microsoft Windows and Apple OS-X are below. For other web browsers or operating systems please use the Help function on your browser to find details on how to do this.


For information on how to restrict or block cookies on your mobile phone or tablet/pad device, you will need to refer to your handset or tablet manual.

Guide to Disabling Cookies in your Web Browsers: Microsoft Windows

Internet Explorer 7.0+

  1. Click on 'Tools' in the menu bar
  2. Click on 'Internet Options'
  3. Click on 'Privacy' Tab on top section
  4. Click on the 'Advanced" button
  5. Select 'Block' for 'First Party Cookies' or just select 'Block' for 'Third Party Cookies' to block third-party cookies only.
  6. Click 'OK'
  7. Click 'OK'

Firefox 3.0+

  1. Click on 'Tools' in the menu bar
  2. Click on 'Options'
  3. Click on 'Privacy' Tab in the top section
  4. From the drop down box select 'Use Custom Setting For History'
  5. Un-tick the box that says 'Accept Cookies From Sites', or just un-tick 'Accept third-party cookies' to block third-party cookies only.
  6. Click 'OK'

Google Chrome 16.0+

  1. Click on the spanner icon ('Customise and control Google Chrome')
  2. Click on 'Settings'
  3. Click on 'Show advanced settings'
  4. Cick the 'Content Settings' button under the 'Privacy' heading
  5. Click 'Block sites from setting any data' under the 'Cookies' heading to block all sites, or 'Block third-party cookies and site data' to block third-party cookies only.
  6. Scroll down and click the 'OK' button
  7. Close the 'Settings' tab

Guide to Disabling Cookies in your Web Browsers: Apple OS-X


  1. Click on the 'Safari' menu
  2. Click on 'Preferences'
  3. Click the 'Security' tab.
  4. Under 'Accept Cookies' select 'Never' to block all cookies, or select 'only from sites I visit' to block third-party cookies only.
  5. Close the window

Firefox 3.0+

  1. Click on the 'Firefox' menu
  2. Click on 'Preferences'
  3. Click on 'Privacy' Tab in the top section
  4. From the drop down box select 'Use Custom Setting For History'
  5. Un-tick the box that says 'Accept Cookies From Sites', or just un-tick 'Accept third-party cookies' to block third-party cookies only.
  6. Close the window

Google Chrome 16.0+

  1. Click the 'Chrome' menu
  2. Click on 'Preferences'
  3. Click on 'Show advanced settings'
  4. Click the 'Content Settings' button under the 'Privacy' heading
  5. Click 'Block sites from setting any data' under the 'Cookies' heading to block all sites, or 'Block third-party cookies and site data' to block third-party cookies only.
  6. Scroll down and click the 'OK' button
  7. Close the 'Settings' tab

Ordering with Cookies Disabled

If you choose to disable cookies and are then unable to order from us online, you are welcome to order by telephone instead. Our telephone number is 01963 370010 and lines are open from 10:00am to 5:00pm